Hello, my name is Elizabeth, and I’m a bonafide bookworm. There isn’t a time I think of when I didn’t have a book (or Kindle) in my hands. As a kid, I was the one who opted to use her free time to read. Seriously, the librarian knew me by name and everything. She’d set aside new books for me so that I could be one of the first to read them. Now that I’m an adult (and I use that term loosely), I’m still the girl who prefers to stay in, curled up with a good book.

I started Fiction Lux, because while I’m reading a book, I get so many different ideas and opinions that swirl around in my head, that by the time I’m finished with a book, I’m busting at the seams to let it all out. The fun thing about reviews (and life) is that no two people approach it exactly the same way. I write about the good, the bad, and the ugly. With the vast amount of book reviews out there, you can gain different perspective from each one. That being said, I sincerely hope I can help out a fellow bookworm find their next favourite read. Maybe you’ll find the content in my blog useful, maybe not. But at the very least, I hope you find it entertaining.

If you’d like to learn more about this blog, and what I review, please visit my Policies Page.


I feel like I was born in the entirely wrong era. I’m obsessed with everything (music, television, movies, books, fashion, you name it) from the 60s-80s.

I’m a lover a horror movies. Particularly from the eras mentioned above.

I’m obsessed with anything spooky. Rightfully, my favourite holiday is Halloween and my favourite season is autumn.

I’m a massive nerd. Everything from comic books to video games and everything in between. Star Wars, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Marvel, Adventure Time, Stranger Things, Sherlock, Star Trek, Walking Dead, That’s only to name a few. Mentioning everything would keep you on this page for days.

According to Pottermore: I’m a Ravenclaw, my Patronus is a Black and White Cat, and my wand is Alder Wood with a Unicorn Core 9 ¾” and Slightly Springy Flexibility.

I’m a die-hard Chicago Cubs fan.

I have Anxiety, OCD, PTSD, Depression and Schizophrenia. While it can make parts of my life a little difficult, I try to never let it slow me down.

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